All Posts Tagged With: "restaurant"

The Yabba Pot Cafe

photo by: Gordon

The Yabba Pot Cafe, located at 2431 St. Paul Street, is “Baltimore’s premiere Vegan hot spot”. Owned by “Mama” Chef Skai, the restaurant offers Rastafarian-influenced cuisine called “Ital”, the main concept being that food should come straight from the garden to the table – no processing and no preservatives. She even uses traditional Afrikan clay Yabba Pots for stewing. The menu and specials change daily. A community-oriented business, the Yabba Pot also features cooking classes, workshops and seminars, as well as a poetry venue Saturday evenings. Check out the menu online!

Dogwood Deli

courtesy of: TGAW

See the CNN broadcast of Galen Sampson , owner and five-star chef of Dogwood Deli , located in Hamden and specializing in a gourmet-inspired organic menu using only locally grown fruits and vegetables. With a combination of a healthy and loving marriage to Bridget Sampson , great food and two dogs named Sox and Shoes comes this statement from Galen, "We believe sincerely in our mission of providing Baltimore with naturally-inspired food that’s fresh, healthy, and grown close to home. We use as much organic product as possible and find inspiration in the land, the sea and in nature’s changing palette. Our deli is named for the first tree we planted together after we were married, with a nod to our love of canines."


photo by: Alyssa

Spoons is a unique coffee/sandwich shop located in the heart of Fells Point, serving deliciously roasted organic coffee. Now although you might think that while being featured on the GoforChange site this pleasurable little place would be serving a full course organic menu, they don’t. What they do, do is something all the more amazing. While saving your wallet a few dollars Spoons composts 95% of their waste, is 100% wind power operated, uses biodegradable packaging, no Styrofoam ever! They also use only locally grown and sourced items, have replaced their lights to compact fluorescent and their roof is coated with recycled aluminum that will reflect 80% of the sun’s rays. They even print their menus on recycled paper. Oh and the food’s pretty good too!

Woodberry Kitchen

photo by: Gordon

Located in the historic renovation of Clipper Mill, Woodberry Kitchen offers guests the season’s best from local growers, grounded in "the traditions and ingredients of the Chesapeake Bay." Emphasizing organic meats and sustainable agriculture, they have partnered with more than a dozen local and regional farms to bring Baltimore a truly unique and worthwhile dining experience. Green principles were employed in the design of the space, including the use of salvaged wood and decorative artifacts, as well as daylighting in the kitchen work areas.