All Posts Tagged With: "Energy"

Terra Logos Green Home Services

photo by: alyssa

Terra Logos Green Home Services, Inc. is a Baltimore-based company that offers cost-effective solutions to reducing energy bills and creating healthier, more comfortable homes. After performing a Home Energy Inspection, they analyze a home’s unique performance, and provide a Home Energy Report, which recommends prioritized improvements with cost estimates.

Baltimore Biodiesel Collective

photo by: alyssa (truck made from an aluminum can and flip-flops)

The Baltimore Biodiesel Collective is a "Maryland non-profit organization dedicated to advocacy, promotion, research, and education of environmentally sustainable biodiesel fuel for on-road and off-road vehicle use in government, business, and private use." They are a membership organization that offers support to residents of Maryland interested in biodiesel, the only retail biodiesel fueling (Bio-station) in the city of Baltimore.

Chesapeake Climate Action Network

photo by: alyssa“The Chesapeake Climate Action Network is the first grassroots, non-profit organization dedicated exclusively to fighting global warming in Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, D.C.” They seek to educate and mobilize local citizens in a way that encourages a swift societal switch to clean energy and energy-efficient products.

Baltimore Landmark Homes

photo by: Joe Stewart

Baltimore Landmark Homes is an integrated development and homebuilding firm “committed to building high quality homes that protect the environment, honor local history, and respect the surrounding community.” A leader in the field of high efficiency, environmentally friendly development, the firm’s designs incorporate urban amenities with an environmentally conscious lifestyle.

Furbish Company

photo by: Alyssa

Furbish Company is a sustainable building company specializing in, living roofs, biofilter walls and vegetated retaining walls. Some projects include a living roof installation for a South Baltimore BP filling station and the conversion of an old convenience store warehouse turn modern industrial office space. Located in Brooklyn Park not far from I-95 Luckys “utilizes a modern hydronic energy system for heating and cooling vs. the traditional ducted, forced air system.” How to rent office space and more about Luckys go to:
Other projects have included one of the largest straw bale structures on the east coast, maxing out at 27,000 sqft. Commissioned by the Friends Community School and located in College Park, MD the building is post and beam with all exterior walls filled with highly insulated straw bale, delivered from a local farm. To protect and fire proof the straw a lime stucco was used for the outside while a hand mixed earthen wall was made for the inside, 60% of which was used from material found on site.

Jay Rubin: Proud Owner of Maryland’s 31st “Low Speed Vehicle”

courtesy of: Jay Rubin

The Kurrent car does not drive faster than 25 mph. But that didn’t stop Marylander Jay Rubin from following the slow but noticeable trend in purchasing the all-electric, low speed vehicle. Designed in Italy and built in the U.S., it’s America’s version of the European micro car. Smart for short trips through town, the Kurrent costs less than 2 cents per mile to operate. “I love this car and expect to talk it up,” says Rubin. “I’m already turning heads in my part of Baltimore.” For more on the Kurrent car, visit their website.

Clean Water Action

photo by: Joe Stewart
Clean Water Action
is a national organization that works to assure supplies of clean, safe, and affordable water, prevent health-threatening pollution, build an economy of environmentally safe jobs and businesses, and empower people to take charge of our environmental future. It organizes strong grassroots groups and coalitions, and campaigns to solve environmental and community problems, and to elect progressive and pro-environment candidates at an entry level.