Green from the Inside

Congratulations and welcome! We are delighted to offer these very special goodies to you!

Green from the inside involves awareness and specific practices:

• Personal leadership

• Compassion through action

• Patience and loving-kindness

• Gratitude and celebration

Your first gift is our brand-new workbook, “Green from the Inside: 3 Practices to Cultivate Awe and Wonder“. Click here to download the PDF. (You may also right-click to specify where on your computer to save the file.)

As a special thank-you, we also have several juicy bonuses for you.

1. Our beautifully-illustrated, chock-full GOforChange Guide for Practical Green Living. Topics include saving energy and water, healthy house, waste recycling, and lawn/food. Click here to download the PDF.

2. A subscription to “Gabrielli’s Green Business” e-Newsletter, issued 15 times per year, a $47 value

• Full of tips, tools and advice to cash in on the green economy
• Learn more about the many benefits of greening business

3. Audio of our program, “Sustainability from a Sacred Place” Download a WAV file of the call by clicking on this link . If you right-click, then select “save target as” or “save link as,” you can specify where to save it on your computer. (For Mac’s, it’s OPTION/hold mouse down. You have to hit the OPTION button first.)

We always love to hear from you! Please drop us a line, visit our Facebook fan page, or comment on one of our articles. Meanwhile — enjoy your gifts!

Let’s live on the planet as if we intend to stay.