The Weekly Green: Juice for the Journey #14

WaterShed, University of Maryland 2011 Solar Decathlon entry

Week 14

The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. ~ Albert Einstein

How can we avoid adding to the confusion that is our modern world? On one hand, we think we have to work within the system in order to change it. On the other, we see examples of people who have gone outside the system and started over. What if both are the answer? As long as we approach it with equal measures of acceptance and challenge, we have a chance to effect change.

More: Solar Decathlon is a good example of this. Boundless creativity within the bounds of a tightly-defined competition.

Read the Weekly Green from Week 13 here.

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  1. Einstein is so right! Too often, we create problems, expect technology to fix them, and fail. Nuclear power and the BP disaster come to mind.

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