The Weekly Green: Juice for the Journey #17

photo by: Joe Stewart
Week 17

It is only when we find peace within that we will be able to live in peace with our environment. ~ Dalai Lama

Teachers of all sorts remind us that our drive to change the world (and other people) can unintentionally create great suffering. The world around us is a reflection of our inner world. To reject an experience, condition, or person is to reject ourselves. This week, can you find peace within by turning toward what you want, rather than pushing away that which you don’t want?

More: Read the Dalai Lama’s essay, “A Human Approach to World Peace.”

Read the Weekly Green from Week 16 here.

We always love to hear from you! How juicy is this quote for you?

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There Is 1 Response So Far. »

  1. I find these two especially exciting:

    “# We will be able to sequester carbon emissions 4 times the amount of our output simply by using organic compost to fertilize grass-grazed pastures.
    # We can harvest seeds in weeds that are native to the land for our food supply of necessary complex carbohydrates (and they taste AWESOME).”

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